Paragraph on Rome Was Not Built In A Day

Paragraph on Rome Was Not Built In A Day

‘Rome was not built in a day’ is a famous proverb. It has both literary and inner meaning. The proverb ‘Rome was not built in a day’ means patient and hard work leads to success in life. It is applicable on the success of a man as well as the success of a nation. In … Read more

Write a letter to your friend describing your visit to the zoo. 

Write a letter your friend describing a visit to the zoo

Letter to friend about visit to the zoo: You have recently visited to the zoo. Now write a letter to your friend describing your experiences about the visit to the zoo. Letter to your friend describing your visit to the Zoo Naresh’s address____ ______________________ ______________________ Date _________________ My dear Satish, Thank you for your sweet … Read more

Paragraph on The Moon

Write a paragraph on The Moon

Paragraph on The Moon is an important writing. There are two paragraphs on The Moon in this post. Now read the paragraph on The Moon and prepare for your examination. Paragraph on The Moon The moon is the queen of night. It is seen after sunset. During the day, the light of the sun hides … Read more