The Golden Touch Moral Story for Children

‘The Golden Touch’ story is one of the best moral stories for children. The children learn important life lesson from the story ‘The Golden Touch’. It teaches young kids that one can lose everything that one possesses due to greed. ‘The Golden Touch’ or ‘King Midas And The Golden Touch’, the classic bedtime story, learns children moral lessons and values. Let us now go through the story about ‘King Midas and The Golden Touch’ and know how a man loses all even his beloved daughter due to his greed.

History Of the story ‘The Golden Touch’ |’King Midas And The Golden Touch’

In Roman folklore, Midas was the king of Phrygia. He was recognised for his greed. The story of king Midas are a part of the Dionysiac cycle of legends. These legendary stories were initially narrated in the parodies of the Athenian satyr plays. These tales become familiar to the modern readers via the late classical forms, such as those in Ovid’s Metamorphoses, Book XI.

Story ‘The Golden Touch’ |’King Midas And The Golden Touch’

Long ago, there was a king named Midas. He loved only two things on earth – gold and his only daughter. He had enough gold, yet he never felt satisfied. He constantly prayed to the God of Wealth to give him more gold.

One night the God of Wealth appeared before him and said, “My child, I have given you all I could. What more do you want?” “Oh God!” replied the king, “When you are so kind to me, please grant me one boon so that all that I touch may turn into gold.” The God of Wealth granted his prayer at once.

When day broke, the king went to an apple orchard. He picked up an apple under a tree. Instantly the apple turned into gold. King Midas could not believe his eyes. Then He touched the apple tree which turned into gold as well. Whatever he touched turned into gold. The king was so excited that he touched all things around him and in a moment all those things turned into gold. The king was filled with joy. His joy knew no bounds. He then entered the palace with full of excitement! 

He went about touching all random things in his palace and all things turned into gold instantly. His house dazzled and glittered with gold all around. But troubles started when his touch changed the food and water into gold. He could neither eat nor drink. Thirst and hunger made him feeble, furious and restless. At that time his only daughter came running into his arms. And in a moment, she was changed into a statue of gold.

Poor Midas was mad with grief. He prayed to God, weeping, “Oh God! take back your blessing of ‘golden touch’ and make my daughter come alive.” God took pity on Midas and took back the boon. King Midas was happy again. His face beamed with joy.

Summary Of The Story ‘The Golden Touch’ |’King Midas And The Golden Touch’

Long ago, there was a king named Midas who was extremely fond of gold. He constantly prayed to the God of Wealth to give him more gold. King Midas wished for anything that he touched to turn to gold. One day the God of Gold appeared before him and granted his wish.

Next day, he came out of his bed and everything that he touched became shining gold instantly. His joy knew no bounds. But troubles started when his touch changed the food and water into gold. He could neither eat nor drink. Thirst and hunger made him feeble, furious and restless. At that time his only daughter came running into his arms. And in a moment, she was changed into a statue of gold.

Poor Midas was mad with grief. He prayed to God, weeping, “Oh God! take back your blessing of ‘golden touch’ and make my daughter come alive.” God took pity on Midas and took back the boon. King Midas was happy again. His face beamed with joy.

Moral of the story ‘The Golden Touch’ |’King Midas And The Golden Touch’

The moral of the story ‘The Golden Touch’ is “One should never be greedy in life and enjoy what one have.” 

The story ‘Golden Touch’ or ‘King Midas And The Golden Touch’ is indeed an excellent story for kids with a beautiful moral. The story should be read by the children of all ages. It teaches us the lesson about greed and we should be content with what we have.

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