Story The Hare and The Tortoise

Discover the timeless tale of ‘The Hare and The Tortoise’ in our latest blog post! Journey through the classic fable as we unravel its profound lessons on patience, perseverance, and the unexpected triumph of the underdog. Whether you’re revisiting a childhood favourite or encountering it for the first time, prepare to be inspired by the slow and steady wisdom of the tortoise and the surprising twist that challenges the hare’s speedy confidence. Dive into our blog to uncover the enduring significance of this beloved story and how its moral resonates in our modern lives. Let’s embark on this delightful adventure together!


Story the hare and the tortoise, story slow but steady wins the race
Story The Hare and The Tortoise

The Hare and The Tortoise 

Once a tortoise and a hare lived in a jungle. The hare always laughed at the tortoise for its slow steps. One day, the tortoise became angry. He invited the hare to a race. The race began. The rabbit completed half of the race with in a few minutes. Then it decided to take some race before the tortoise came near him. The hare fell fast asleep. The tortoise ran steadily. It reached almost the goal. Then the rabbit woke up. He ran very fast. But it was too late. The tortoise reached the goal and won the race.

Moral : Slow but steady wins the race.

Story The Hare and The Tortoise 


There was a hare. He was proud of his swift movement. One day the hare and a tortoise went on a walk in the woods. There, the tortoise was struggling hard to keep pace with the hare. The hare noticed that the tortoise was lagging behind. He moved and ridiculed the tortoise for his slow movement. He said to the tortoise, “O slow-footed fellow, will you run a race with me? It will be nice fun for us.” But the tortoise did not mind. With a smile on his face, he said, “You might be swift as wind, but I can easily beat you in a race.” The hare took this as a ridiculous and impossible statement and agreed to run a race with the tortoise. They went to a fox to be a judge. The fox was the one to decide the course and fix a finishing point.


On the day appointed for the race, there gathered a huge crowd of animals who had come to see the race. The fox signalled to start the race and both the hare and the tortoise started together. The hare was swift. Within a moment, he covered half the way. Then he looked back and stooped. He said to himself, “The tortoise is yet far behind. Let me have some rest for a while.” Saying this he lay down under the shade of a tree and soon fell asleep.


The tortoise, on the other hand, never stopped for a moment. He went on at a slow but steady pace. On his way, he saw the hare fast asleep under a tree. He passed by the hare and went on walking straight to the finishing point. So he reached the goal. The fox who was the judge declared the tortoise winner. After some time the hare woke up and realized that he slept for a long time. He ran as fast as he could. When he reached, he saw that the tortoise won the race. The hare was ashamed and went away silently.


The story conveys a lesson : “Slow but steady wins the race.”


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