Write an essay on Environment Pollution

In our latest blog post, “Write an Essay on Environment Pollution,” we write the critical issues of environmental pollution. Environment Pollution is a burning problem in the world now. Every nation should take necessary steps to prevent environment pollution and save our beautiful world. Dive into the complexities of this global challenge and learn how your words can make a difference. Read more now!


Environmental pollution, water pollution
Water pollution | image : Pixabay

Environment Pollution Essay

  Pollution is a major factor which has become the most important point of discussion in relation to our health hazard which is constantly at its work in a very slow but steady process. It is a concern which has become a problem for all. Besides other kinds of pollution, environmental pollution is the chief of all, as we live in nature and nature protects us.

   In olden times man’s needs were limited. The increase in pollution and fast development of cities have led to environmental pollution. Thus increasing population and fast industrialisation pose a serious threat to the environmental pollution. Man is an essential part of a highly complex web or living organisms called biosphere. Any damage done to any part of biosphere affects man.

   The pollution of environment is, to much extent, caused by soil, water and air pollution. About 70 percent of the earth’s surface is covered by water. Water pollution is very harmful for all living beings. So is the air we breathe in. If air is polluted people will fall ill. Thus water and air pollution cause a serious menace to all living beings. Water is polluted by industrial waste, greases, oils, toxic compounds and several poisonous substances. The polluted water-borne diseases such as jaundice, typhoid, cholera etc. In poor countries a major portion of population suffers from such water-borne diseases.

   Air pollution is caused by smoke, harmful gases, smoke emitted by vehicles, domestic smoke etc. The worst kind of smoke is emitted by vehicles which harms nose, eyes, lungs and other parts of our respiratory organs. Delhi is one of the four most polluted cities of the world. 

   Soil pollution is equally harmful for mankind. Cutting of innumerable trees leaves the unprotected. More than 50 percent of India’s land is facing serious environment degradation. Noise pollution is another factor which is very harmful for our health and hygiene.

    Increasing environmental pollution now needs urgent remedial measures to prevent environmental degradation and to maintain ecological poise. U.N. Conference on Human Environment has drawn attention to the menace being faced by the world ecology today caused by environmental pollution.We observe June 5 as World Environment Day every year. It is observed to remind the Governments of various countries of their responsibility in this regard.

Steps have been taken to prevent environmental pollution but they have not been implemented well. Even in India, in November 1980 our Government set up a Department of Environment in this regard. Many ‘Acts’ have been promulgated for the prevention of air and water pollution. It is also the duty of everyone of us to maintain sanitation wherever we live, work or stay. The area should have pollution free atmosphere. We should also grow more and more trees as they help us in maintaining the balance of nature by providing us oxygen, the most essential gas for our survival.

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