Paragraph on ‘Child Labour In India’

Child Labour in India

child labour in india, paragraph on child labour
Child Labour, Image : Pixabay

       From ancient times, children were required to do sonic work either at home or in the field along with  their parents. The problem of child labour was identified as a major problem in the19th century and legislative measures were first adopted as early as 1881. Children are a major part of India’s population and it is national shame that bulk of them still suffer from malnutrition, poverty, disease, cruel exploitation through

forced child labour and beggary and on top of all, illiteracy. One of the worst forms of child exploitation is child labour and India has the largest number of the child labourers in the world. According to Census 2011, the number of child labourers in India is 10.1 million of which 5.6 million are boys and 4.5 million are girls. While the vast proportion Indian’s working children are employed in agriculture, many are engaged in in brick kilns, carpet weaving, garment making, domestic service, food and refreshment services (such as tea stalls), fisheries and mining. Despite the provisions of restrictive labour laws, the practice of child labour continues unabated because exploitation of children is of financial compulsion of parents. The general improvement in socio-economic condition of people will result in gradual elimination of child labour.

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Paragraph on Child Labour

AIthough the rule to prohibit child labour has  already been in effect, the problem of child labour is the most shameful aspect in our society. None is serious about this problem. In spite of the awareness that none should promote child labour, people engage children in various kinds of works, whether be they capable or not. To use children for one’s selfish end is not expected in a civilized country.

But it seems that it is inevitable in our society. Self-centred people are responsible for this proliferation of the problem of child labour. But the Government cannot enforce the law to stop the evils of child labour. In order to stop child labour, the Government should confirm education of children, provide good midday meal regularly, support the parents of the children financially, make accounts of the drop-out children quite seriously, and make people aware of the fact that child labour is certainly a curse to a civilized country. Most of the children who come of the poor families gradually become involved in child labour. Those children cannot but choose the way of child labour because of their pecuniary circumstances. Moreover, the illiterate, poor, and thoughtless parents insist their children to earn for their families. Therefore, the parents should be determined that they shall not plunge their children into the darkness of child labour which spoils the future of their children.

Unfortunately, the Government, parents, and some selfish and rather cruel people care little about this problem. Consequently, our country has been degrading still in education and economy, The only way to get rid of this evil system is to be morally conscious. If child labour in our country is not prohibited in the true sense of the term, our country will soon be enlisted as the most degrading country in the world.

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